Russian Clothes Vocabulary List

Are you looking to feel more confident when shopping for clothes in Russian stores? Do you want to be able to chat about fashion trends with your new Russian-speaking friends? Or perhaps you just want to expand your vocabulary? Look no further! Clothes are an important part of our daily lives, and learning the Russian words for them opens up a whole new world of communication. In this article, you will learn the essential Russian vocabulary for describing clothes.



  • рубашка (roo-bash-ka) – shirt
  • блузка (bloo-ska) – blouse
  • футболка (foot-bol-ka) – T-shirt
  • свитер (svee-ter) – sweater
  • толстовка с капюшоном (tal-stov-ka s ka-pyu-sho-nom) – hoodie
  • куртка (koort-ka) – jacket
  • пиджак (peed-zhak) – blazer
  • платье (pla-tye) – dress


  • брюки (bryu-kee) – pants (trousers)
  • шорты (shor-tih) – shorts
  • юбка (yub-ka) – skirt
  • джинсы (dzhin-sih) – jeans
  • леггинсы (leh-geen-sih) – leggings


  • бюстгальтер (byoost-gahl-ter) – bra
  • нижнее бельё (neezh-nee-ye bel-yo) – underwear
  • трусы (troo-sih) – briefs (women’s)
  • боксеры (bok-ser-y) – boxer shorts (men’s)
  • стринги (strin-gee) – thong
  • носок (nah-sok) (singular) / носки (nah-skee) (plural) – sock(s)
  • колготки (kol-got-kee) – tights


  • обувь (o-boov) – shoes
  • сапоги (sa-po-gee) – boots
  • шляпа (shlya-pa) – hat
  • кепка (kep-ka) – cap
  • шарф (sharf) – scarf
  • солнцезащитные очки (soln-tse-za-shit-nee-ye och-kee) – sunglasses
  • перчатки (per-chat-kee) – gloves
  • ремень (re-myen) – belt

Other Useful Words:

  • одежда (o-dezh-da) – clothes (general term)
  • надевать (na-de-vat’) – to put on (clothes)
  • снимать (snee-mat’) – to take off (clothes)
  • подходить (pod-ho-deet’) – to fit
  • размер (raz-mer) – size
  • цвет (tsvet) – color
  • в полоску (v pah-los-ku) – striped
  • в клетку (v klet-ku) – plaid
  • в горошек (v ga-ro-shek) – polka-dotted
  • в цветочек (v tsve-to-chek) – flowered

Most Essential Phrases

  • Что на тебе сегодня? – What are you wearing today?
  • На мне свитер. – I am wearing a sweater.
  • Какой у тебя размер обуви? – What shoe size are you?
  • Мой размер – 40. – I wear size 40.
  • Эти туфли малы. У вас есть размер 42? – These shoes are too small. Do you have them in size 42?
  • Подходит? – Does it fit?
  • Это слишком большое/маленькое. – It is too big/small.
  • Могу я это примерить? – Can I try this on?
  • Рубашка хорошо сидит. – The shirt fits well.

With these words and phrases, you are well-equipped to visit Russian stores, discuss fashion with friends, and improve your Russian language skills. Happy shopping!

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